Damodar Menon International | woven fabric manufacturers | textile companies in india
Woven fabrics are created by knitted fabric manufacturer weaving yarn fibers together instead of knitting them. Woven refers to how the fabric is created and not what it is made from. For instance, you can find cotton-woven fabric suppliers as well as cotton knitted fabric suppliers at DMI

Woven fabrics are created by knitted fabric manufacturer weaving yarn fibers together instead of knitting them. Woven refers to how the fabric is created and not what it is made from. For instance, you can find cotton-woven fabric suppliers as well as cotton knitted fabric suppliers at DMI. Here, two or more textile companies in india threads are weaved together at right angles. You can use threads of the same fiber or different fiber based on the specific texture and characteristics required to achieve. While weavers have been around for thousands of years in India, making blankets, clothing, and basket by hand, modern technology uses the mechanical loom to weave fabric and speed cotton yarn manufacturers in india up the production time. Warp and weft threads are placed and woven together for the finished fabric.