Heart surgeon in Allahabad - Apollo Hospitals
Globally, cardiovascular diseases are becoming more prevalent and are responsible for approximately 17 million fatalities yearly. Arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and heart valve disease are among the most prevalent cardiac conditions.

Heart surgeon in Allahabad - Apollo Hospitals

The increasing statistics are a result of behavioral risk factors such as an unhealthy diet, alcohol and cigarette use, and inactivity.

Doctors carry out procedures including coronary angioplasty, valve replacement, “Heart bypass surgery”, and pacemaker implantation surgery, among others, to combat and manage heart problems.

As per the statistics, Coronary artery “Heart bypass surgery in Allahabad” is one of the most common surgeries performed with world-class facilities available at Apollo medics Hospitals.

Numerous cardiac patients have benefited from superior treatment outcomes because of our committed team of cardiologists, modern medical techniques, and cutting-edge equipment.

Our Service:

Hospitals in Lucknow - Apollo

Cancer - Care 

Kidney - Transplant

